Obama votes... almost meets Ayers !

Publié le par french puma

 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., casts his vote at a polling place in Chicago, 

The man who has already been elected president by all the MSM has just voted at the polling station of his neighborhood (Beulah Smith Elementary School in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago).

But what the  media won't probably tell you tonight, is that when he voted, Barack Obama almost ran into Bill Ayers ! Of course, it is not surprising : for Bill Ayers is (I quote Obama) : a "guy in his neighborhood".

I cannot tell you if Mister Ayers voted for his former (?) friend :


"Mr. Ayers, who did you vote for?" a reporter yelled out.


Ayers turned but did not answer, then walked out.


And guess who arrived, only minutes later ? 

The Obama family ! Barack, Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia.


After voting, Obama announced, "I voted," to cheers from neighbors.


Arriving later at Midway airport on his way to one last campaign appearance in Indiana, Obama said, "I feel great and it was fun, I had a chance to vote with my daughters...I feel really good."


Asked if he felt sentimental as his nearly two-year campaign neared an end, Obama said, "You know I'm sure I will tonight - that's when polls close. The journey ends but voting with my daughters, that was a big deal. I noticed that Michelle took a long time though. I had to check to see who she was voting for."

So we learn that "Michelle took a long time" to vote.

Did she, really ?

It means she was not sure of her choice : she hesitated for a long time !

Obama said "he had to check who she was voting for" !

Ha ! Ha !

That's very funny, isn't it ?

Maybe she decided to vote for John McCain, after all !

So why would Americans choose him for president if his own wife does not even vote for him ?
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